Sex Education

Sex education provides young people with necessary information about their bodies, health, relationships, consent, and much more. The Alabama Campaign is committed to providing young people in Alabama with sex education and providing their parents/guardians (and other trusted adults) with tools to navigate adolescent health.

Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs

Alabama Campaign staff are trained and certified to implement the following evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention programs with young people. These programs are implemented in partnership with community-based organizations.

LiFT (Linking Families and Teens)


Youth Advisory Councils


The Alabama Campaign for Adolescent Sexual Health runs two Youth Advisory Councils - Girls at the Center Youth Advisory Council (GACYAC) and Sexual Health for Adolescents Rooted in Equity Youth Advisory Council (SHARE YAC).

Our GACYAC is open to youth ages 14-24 located in the greater Montgomery area; our SHARE YAC is open to youth ages 14-19 from across Alabama. YACs meet monthly to learn about sexual and reproductive health (SRH) topics, including preventing STIs and HIV, unplanned pregnancy, and sexual violence. They also learn leadership and advocacy skills. YACs are an opportunity for youth to contribute directly to our work with honest feedback and suggestions.

Our 2024-2025 SHARE YAC applications are now open! This is a paid opportunity; BIPOC, LGBTQ, and rural youth are especially encouraged to apply.

CONFIDANT is a website created by our 2022/2023 GACYAC as their final group project.
The young people in this cohort wanted a website created BY Alabama young people, FOR Alabama young people. CONFIDANT has resources related to relationships, safety, LGBTQ+ issues, and more, including hotlines and warm lines for young people in crisis.