Home » Alabama Campaign Blog » It’s Election Season – Ask School Board Members If They Support Sex Ed!

It’s Election Season – Ask School Board Members If They Support Sex Ed!

Christina Clark | October 1, 2024

Election Day is on Tuesday, November 5, and school board members are up for election or reelection across Alabama. Speaking with potential school board members (and current members) about sex education can help to advance sex ed for all youth in Alabama. Helpfully, EducateUS has created Sex Ed 101: The School Board Member’s Guide to Sex Education. This guide is written FOR school board members, so you can contact them and have a conversation, and then give them the guide.

A few other facts the might help convince a prospective or current school board member – Alabama is has the 6th highest teen birth rate in the country, Alabama parents support sex education overwhelmingly, and nearly half of Alabama high school seniors report having sex at least once in their lifetime, but only half of high schoolers report using a condom at last sexual intercourse.

Bottom line – Alabama students NEED and DESERVE sex education from trusted adults who will give them factual, unbiased information. Push your school board members to have an answer for sex ed in their district!


Photo by cottonbro studio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-with-a-sign-4669108/



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