Curricula Training
Be Proud! Be Responsible! Be Protective
An evidence-based program for pregnant and parenting teen girls, 14-20 years old. The program utilizes maternal protectiveness to motivate participants to take responsibility for their health and the health of their child.
An evidence-based program for Latino youth, ages 13-18 years old. It is an HIV risk-reduction program that presents abstinence and condom use to prevent STIs and HIV.
Draw the Line/Respect the Line
An evidence-based program for middle-school aged youth. It takes an abstinence-based approach to preventing teen pregnancy, STIs, and HIV.
Making A Difference! (MAD)
An evidence-based program for middle-school aged youth. It takes an abstinence-based approach to preventing teen pregnancy, STIs, and HIV.
Making Proud Choices! (MPC)
An evidence-based program for middle-school aged youth. It takes a safer sex/sexual responsibility approach to preventing teen pregnancy, STIs, and HIV.
Our Whole Lives (OWL)
An evidence-informed holistic sexuality education course. This curricula is designed to be taught throughout the participants’ lifetime, with six age groups: grades K-1, grades 4-6, grades 7-9, grades 10-12, young adults (ages 18-35), and adults. Alabama Campaign staff is trained in grades 7-9 and 10-12.
Project AIM
An effective intervention designed to reduce HIV risk behaviors among high-risk youth, ages 11-14.
Promoting Health Among Teens! (PHAT)
An evidence-based program designed to teach young people in grades 6-7 about puberty, STIs, HIV, and pregnancy prevention.
Reducing The Risk (RTR)
An evidence-based program for young people in grades 9-12. RTR takes a safer sex approach to pregnancy, STD, and HIV prevention.
Relationship Smarts PLUS
An evidence-based program for dating violence prevention. Designed for middle and high school youth.
Sexual Health and Adolescent Risk Prevention (SHARP)
An evidence-based program for high-risk youth in juvenile detention centers.
Sistas, Informing, Healing, Leading, Empowering (SiHLE)
An evidence-based HIV/STD prevention program for African-American girls ages 14-18.