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Back to School Support for Students

Terryn Abner | August 15, 2024

There’s nothing like summer in the city. That was a Hamilton reference for my fellow musical theater nerds. Like all good things, summer must come to an end and the back to school season arrives. You get all the supplies and prepare to meet up with your school friends again after a long summer.

Something you may not be thinking about is how to get the mental and emotional support you may need for the school year. Here are a few tips to guide you.

  1. Check your school’s website
    School websites often offer an email to talk to your school guidance counselor or nurse. You can start by sharing your concerns via email. This may be a more comfortable option than meeting in person. Other resources may be available online on your school’s website as well.
  2. Bring a friend
    If you set up a meeting with your school counselor and feel uncomfortable going alone, ask your counselor if it is okay to bring a trusted friend. Bringing a friend may ease your anxiety and help you feel more comfortable with a counselor. You could also bring a parent or trusted adult if you prefer.
  3. Remember your visit is confidential
    Your visit to a school counselor is confidential unless your health and safety are at risk. This is a space for you to express your feelings without being judged. However, if you need additional resources, you may be guided to some outside resources by your counselor.
  4. Take notes and ask questions
    Your counselor is willing to listen to you and make it a safe space for you. Bring some questions with you and take notes on their answers. Your counselor can talk to you about topics from school and careers to mentoring and mental health.
  5. Online resources
    Sometimes talking to someone in person can be stressful, especially if your school does not have access to LGBTQ+ resources or culturally appropriate services. Organizations like the Trevor Project offer confidential resources that allow you to call or chat with a counselor. The Trevor Project also offers tools and resources to answer questions and find answers. Their services are 24/7 so they’re always available to you at any time you need them
  6. Find some time for some self care
    Self-care is important for everyone. Take some time to figure out your favorite way to relax after school. It could be taking a nap and reading in a quiet place to playing video games or chatting with friends. Self-care can be any activity that helps you feel more relaxed and allows you to be your true self. Find what works for you and work into your schedule.

I hope these resources and tips will help you start off a great school year strong.

Human Rights Campaign: Support for LGBTQ Youth

Kid’s Health: What Does a School Counselor Do?

School Counselors Are Your Ally

Video: Ask AMAZE: What is Self-Care?

Featured Image by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/text-on-shelf-256417/



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